3 Columns, Widget ready, sleek, very light and clean, 125 X 125 Sidebar Ads Ready, WP-Simple-Brown free wordpress Theme. The theme requires few plugins. Please see the readme.txt for detailed installation instructions.
The theme comes with Creative Commons 3.0 Sharealike License.
* Tested on latest WordPress 2.7 version
* 3 columns
* Featured video section
* Fixed width
* Right Sidebars
* Widget ready
* Gravatar ready
* Adsense ready
* Site-wide 125 x 125 banner ads.
* Site-wide 468 x 60 Adsense banner Ads.
* Inner page 468 x 60 Adsense banner Ads.
* Rounded Corners
* Threaded Comments
* WP-Pagenavi plugin integrated
* Tag Cloud on Sidebars
* Related Posts on innner posts.
* additional language support
* Cross browser compatible with IE, FF, Opera, Flock & Safari
* Theme support

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