Mimbo wordpress theme


Posted on : 28-Apr-2012 | By : admin | In : Show all


All the instruction on the admin page. At the first time , you can activate this theme by click save button on admin option page.

Adding Thumbnail

To add thumbnail, just upload your image on the each post. Theme will be automatically find The last image from your post. Image must be in your server , so if you input image from other website, your thumbnail will not show If your thumbnil is not working. may be cause your hosting are enabled with mod_security which will prevent you from referring images via URL. You can disable this by appending the below lines in .htaccess file, and upload in your root directory

SecFilterEngine Off SecFilterScanPOST Off

Set UP Flickr Photo Galery

how to get code user account for your flick account.? you can visit

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