Solidate has fantastic ad support and WordPress integration for those looking for an easy way to start making money on a new website. The attention seeking slideshow will draw your visitors to your website.
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FastNews utilises the latest technologies in WordPress including custom menus, backgrounds and featured images. This fantastic News/Magazine theme boasts easy-to-use admin options and widgets.
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Impressive News/Magazine themes are usually hard to come by, but you will not be disappointed by NewsMix. With detailed design elements and extensive documentation and support, NewsMix has become the perfect News/Magazine website.
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Creativ utilises the latest technologies in WordPress including custom menus, backgrounds and featured images. This fantastic General/Blog theme boasts easy-to-use admin options and widgets.
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The Sivex theme is designed to look and act like a $300 website, but costs just a fraction of the price. Sivex is the theme of choice for anyone looking for a professional website that takes seconds to put online.
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Deserve is a clean, modern General/Blog free WordPress theme with boat loads of powerful features utilizing the latest WordPress versions. Change your logo, favicon or featured images options easily from the easy to use administration panel. Lots of custom widgets also included with the theme.
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respowp is a free responsive WordPress theme. The theme supports and adjusts itself to screen resolutions across various devices ranging from desktops, notebooks, tablets and down to mobile devices. The content and media on the site is responsive to provide hassle free view on all the devices. The theme supports custom menu, featured images, widgets, [...]
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For anyone looking to a General/Blog theme which can easily be translated from English, Colabro is the best options on the market. Colabro comes with an extensive .po file for easy automatic translation
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