Wood Premium
Wood Premium, minimalistic dark, Valid XHTML/CSS wordpress theme with professional look. CSS – XHTML valid . it has featured post glider in built . It has category drop down navigation at the top. it has sidebar tabs, with smooth animations. it has options panel for ads and theme data. For support contact skinwp.net

License: Free to use must keep footer intact AS IS

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technology blue theme

LIVE DEMO | Download Technology Blue

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Theme Features:
* Tested on latest WordPress 2.8.1 version
* 3 columns
* Featured video section (can be cofigured via options page)
* Fixed width
* Widget ready
* Gravatar ready
* Adsense ready
* Thumbnail images with posts (you need to add custom field thumb)
* Site-wide 720 x 16 Adsense banner Ads. (can be cofigured via options page)
* Inner page 468 x 60 Adsense banner Ads. (can be cofigured via options page)
* Site-wide 300 x 250 Adsense banner Ads. (can be cofigured via options page)
* Site-wide 125 x 125 Sidebar banner ads.
* Threaded Comments
* Trackbacks separated from comments
* Feedburner Email subscription integrated (can be cofigured via options page)
* WP-Pagenavi integrated
* Options Page to edit the Feedburner ID, Featured Video, and Google ad and other features
* Cross browser compatible with IE, FF, Opera, Flock & Safari
* Theme support/customization via our website


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GenM #1 is a multicolor theme. Theme colors include black, blue, green, purple and red. You can switch theme color easily using admin panel options. This theme is also AdSense ready and widget-ready theme. Three featured posts will be shown on front page and these posts will be linked to thumbnail.


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