Blue Flower Wasp»

What is a Blue Flower Wasp? That is the question. Couldn't find a great deal of information about "Blue Flower Wasps", probably there's a more official name for the insect and info about it is available under that name. From what I can tell it's...
One more for the road»

It sllik ulf suriv at least so it says
if it does or does not do not I know to be sure
as never have I tup ti ot eht tset;
and in fact I know not even what the bottle contained to begin with.
Image: Compound Eyes of a Robber Fly -...
Yada yada etc»

Looking at it bulging out with broken skin
amid the squeaking squawking cheeps of the bird outside
he didn't call but you know what?
It matters about as much as the blinking green light and yada yada etc......
Justine Henin is Back - all is right with the tennis world»

There are lots of people in the tennis world who are getting down on their knees to give praise of thanks for the return of Justine Henin to the women's tennis tour. For a minute there it was looking like they might have to deal with the Williams...
Endorsements for Melanie Oudin?»

Apparently Melanie Oudin has already signed some pretty attractive endorsement deals. It really pays in tennis to be a cute seventeen year old blonde on the verge of possibly becoming a top ranked player. No need to become the best in tennis when...
To wed or not to wed-that is the question»

Why do people get married? Because it's what people do. Marriage is part of the system. It's part of the process and like most other traditions that are part of what people do, people get married because people generally go along with what is done...
Serena Williams needs to learn to keep her clothes on»

I am on the side of those who admire Serena William's physique. I think she has an awesome body. I don't agree with the idea of rail thin and anorexic being celebrated as other than what it is...unnatural and ridiculous. Serena Williams is strong...
Does Melanie Oudin have the physical assets to become a tennis sex symbol?»

Let's face it, the only thing that interests many fans of women's tennis is the women, and the interest is not in their tennis. Anna Kournikova is still one of tennis's biggest names and she never won a tennis tournament in her career. Maria...
Sharapova goes down to seventeen year old American Melanie Oudin»

Seventeen year old American rising tennis sensation, Melanie Oudin, ousted media darling and reigning tennis glamor queen, Maria Sharapova, from the 2009 US Open Tennis Champships. Cheered on by the excited crowd Oudin forced a third set after...